Protect Critical Refuge for Grey-breasted Parakeets in Brazil
Support more work like thisSupport more work like thisThe isolated Baturite mountain has stood on the planet for over 200,000 years, and is slowly disappearing.
Species at Risk
2 Species
Carbon stored
3,814 mT*
*(metric tons of CO2 equivalents) -
37 Proposed Acres Conserved by
Project Cost: $280,840

The isolated Baturite mountain has stood on the planet for over 200,000 years, and is slowly disappearing.
Species at Risk
2 Species
Carbon stored
3,814 mT*
*(metric tons of CO2 equivalents) -
37 Proposed Acres Conserved by
Project Cost: £204,971

Save disappearing rainforest in Brazil
Northeastern Brazil’s Baturite rainforest and isolated Baturite mountain has stood on the planet for over 200,000 years, and is slowly disappearing. Throughout the years, this ancient rainforest–– a blend of Amazon Rainforest and Brazilian Atlantic forest––has gained popularity as a tourist destination, which has brought unsustainable development for vacation homes and condos, clearing this ancient forest almost completely.
Resident species are forced to survive in the remaining forest fragments, which continue to dwindle. One of the most notable is the rainforest’s flagship species––the endemic and Endangered Grey-breasted Parakeet.
Did you know?
acres will be the total expanded protected area.
Explore Baturite mountain

Northern Tiger Cat, by Tambako the Jaguar/Flickr

Grey-breasted Parakeets, by Fabio Nunes

Protect the Grey-breasted Parakeet
The only viable population of the Grey-breasted Parakeet dwells in the mountainous rainforest, after it was wiped out from the surrounding lowlands.
To save the species, Rainforest Trust’s local partner Aquasis, established the 96.64-acre Grey-breasted Parakeet Wildlife Refuge where they fledged 19 chicks from nest boxes in the last year, representing roughly 3% of the global population.
Now, as unsustainable development and expanding agriculture continue to close in on the Baturite rainforest our two organizations are working together to expand the reserve by 37 acres, creating a protected rainforest of 133.6 acres.
Provide hope for new species
Your gift will provide the last refuge for almost the entire population of the Grey-breasted parakeet, many species new to science and subspecies that have evolved in isolation.
This expansion will also help to bolster protection for this extremely rare ecosystem filled with recently evolved species, as well as species from both the Amazon and Northeastern Brazilian Atlantic rainforest.