Emergency Land Purchase to Save Imperiled Endemics in the Galápagos
Support More Work Like ThisSupport More Work Like ThisThe Galápagos archipelago is one of the most biologically outstanding areas on Earth with an extraordinary concentration of endemic wildlife, and it is recognized as an international conservation priority without equal.
Species at Risk
Carbon stored
*(metric tons of CO2 equivalents) -
Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco
568 Proposed Acres Conserved by
Project Cost: $1,752,746

The Galápagos archipelago is one of the most biologically outstanding areas on Earth with an extraordinary concentration of endemic wildlife, and it is recognized as an international conservation priority without equal.
Species at Risk
Carbon stored
*(metric tons of CO2 equivalents) -
Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco
568 Proposed Acres Conserved by
Project Cost: £1,270,105

The Galápagos archipelago is one of the most biologically outstanding areas on Earth with an extraordinary concentration of endemic wildlife, and it is recognized as an international conservation priority without equal.
In 1835, Charles Darwin arrived at the Galápagos Islands and over the course of five weeks discovered an astonishing diversity of unique species found nowhere else in the world. His observations, that began on the island of San Cristóbal, laid the groundwork for what is considered one of the most important scientific breakthroughs for mankind – the theory of evolution by natural selection.
The Galápagos archipelago is one of the most biologically outstanding areas on Earth with an extraordinary concentration of endemic wildlife, and it is recognized as an international conservation priority without equal. This relatively young island chain, comprised of 127 islands, islets and rocks, was formed millions of years ago by volcanoes – some of which are still active and shifting land masses today. However, only 19 of the islands are considered large and only four are inhabited by humans. While 97 percent of the archipelago’s emerged and uninhabited landmass is protected as a national park, the four islands on which humans reside – including San Cristóbal – are extremely vulnerable to development threats. With three extinct volcanoes dominating this island, its rich soils and lush montane vegetation have long attracted farming and settlements, such as the capital of the Galápagos province, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. San Cristóbal is dominated by private properties and land conservation has been unable to get a permanent footing to restrict development and remove invasive species.
After surveys across the island, Rainforest Trust’s local partner discovered Woodpecker Finches (a species of Darwin’s finches) and a breeding population stronghold of Critically Endangered Galápagos Petrels, both of which have experienced drastic declines in recent years. The petrels burrow in the volcanic soils to nest, but are highly susceptible to the threat of habitat loss and introduced weeds. This includes non-native blackberry bushes, as petrels can get caught in the thickets when trying to fly to their nests at night. Tragically, searches for the San Cristóbal Vermilion Flycatcher failed to locate the species; as this bird was last seen in the 1980s, scientists fear it may be extinct.
To address the extinction crisis and protect the vulnerable species on San Cristóbal, our partner approached us about the imminent sale of two properties slated for development. Rainforest Trust will support our partner’s purchase of the two properties that total 568 acres to establish the Galápagos Nature Reserve, which will be the first private nature reserve in the archipelago. With this purchase and subsequent conservation efforts across the Galápagos, we will permanently secure one of the most unique, scientifically important and biologically outstanding areas on Earth.
Did you know?
of the reptiles and terrestrial mammals found here are only found in this archipelago
Explore the Galápagos Nature Reserve

The Vulnerable San Cristobal Giant Tortoise courtesy of Martin Schaefer

Galapagos Petrel (CR)

The main threats to endemic species in the Galápagos are habitat loss and a lack of protected areas with appropriate management to control invasive species.
Traffic into the seaport and airport on San Cristóbal has introduced numerous exotic, invasive species, presenting significant challenges for native wildlife due to predation and competition. The introduction and spread of blackberries and West Indian Sage (Lantana camera) has altered much of the original Miconia forest on San Cristóbal with dense, thorny thickets that prevent the Galápagos Petrel from nesting. Introduced trees such as guava and livestock also modify habitat and contribute to the declining populations of native flora and fauna. On nearby Santa Cruz Island, livestock grazing and agriculture have altered almost all the Miconia forests, demonstrating the need for urgent conservation attention to mitigate these threats on San Cristóbal before it is too late. In addition to the threats caused by invasive species, the human population is growing exponentially on the Galápagos Islands due to a substantial increase in job opportunities in the tourism sector. Despite new laws regulating human migration from mainland Ecuador, this population growth continues to put pressure on remaining space and natural resources, leading to encroachment of the remaining sensitive habitat. While ecotourism can provide numerous benefits, balancing the growing needs of this sector with conservation initiatives is vital for maintaining pristine habitats worthy of ecotourism.
Rainforest Trust urgently supports our partner’s purchase of two properties for 568 acres to establish the Galápagos Nature Reserve.
Over a decade ago, a successful international eco-volunteer program was implemented on this property to control invasive species, restore native species and monitor endangered species. The owners are considering selling the properties for their development potential, and the eco-volunteer program – as well as the species that depend on this site – are at risk. Our partner has negotiated the purchase of these properties to save the area and permanently protect it. Rainforest Trust is supporting both the purchase of this property as well as the reimplementation of the volunteer program, including investing in the existing infrastructure to develop basic accommodation that will attract volunteers. Offering accommodation and research opportunities to paying volunteers can ensure the long-term sustainability of the protected area. Volunteers in the reserve will be important in the restoration of the site and conservation of its threatened species. Work crews comprised of visiting volunteers will help control invasive plant species, trap non-native predators and monitor the Galápagos Petrel nesting population. Rainforest Trust is committed to protecting the incredibly unique biodiversity of the Galápagos Islands through conservation partnerships, and this land purchase is just the beginning of a major effort to further protect the terrestrial flora and fauna of the archipelago.

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