South Rupununi District Council (SRDC)
South Rupununi District Council (SRDC)
The Wapichan people and their ancestors have occupied and used the whole area that they call Wapichan wiizi in the Southern part of Guyana for generations. The Wapichan territory in Guyana is located in the southwest of the country and its western boundary lies along the Takatu River, on the Guyana-Brazil border.
In April 2017 the Wapichan’s collective representative body, the South Rupununi District Council (SRDC) was legally recognised in Guyana. The SRDC has many projects and initiatives to implement the vision set out in the Territorial Plan adopted by all Wapichan villages in 2012. One core project is to develop a unique system for monitoring and watching over Wapichan land and resources, which is training and supporting 17 monitors resident in all of the main villages and strategic settlements. Other work includes efforts to enable the transmission of traditional knowledge to young people. Wapichan elders lead the youths to special places, and share legends about the land and customary use of the forest, mountains, savannah and waters.
The SRDC leads the land talks in the region, and is appealing to the government to settle land claims and title extension applications to the full satisfaction. The Wapichan want recognition of their rights and support in moving forward with their territorial plan.