Help Save the Brazilian Amazon this Earth Month!
QUADRUPLE YOUR DONATIONQUADRUPLE YOUR DONATIONThis Earth Month, your gift to the Brazilian Amazon Fund will help fight lethal deforestation, fires, droughts and rampant exploitation in the world’s largest rainforest.
Every 3 seconds, an acre of tropical rainforest is lost to deforestation. Rainforests are the “lungs of the planet” – they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and cool the planet – making life as we know it possible. The Amazon rainforest shelters at least 3 million species – almost 50% of all species living on Earth.
But the Amazon rainforest is dangerously close to reaching a tipping point of no return. The ever-worsening stressors of warming temperatures, extreme droughts, deforestation and fires are causing biodiversity loss now and are signaling an even more devastating future for this 65-million-year-old ecosystem.
We can’t lose the Amazon rainforest.
Donate now to the Brazilian Amazon Fund to permanently safeguard 20 million acres of intact forest—an expanding the size of South Carolina—by the end of 2026. Donate now to the Brazilian Amazon Fund and help us meet our goal for Earth Month. We can’t do it without you!
3 million species need your help.

Two Jaguars, by Uwe Bergwitz

Crowned Solitary Eagle or Chaco Eagle, by Diego Grandi

Amazonian Manatee, by Coulanges

Baby South American Tapir, also called Brazilian Tapir or Lowland Tapir, by Nick Fox

The Ariel Toucan, by Maarten Aeehandelaar

The Giant Otter, by Slowmotiongli

Hyacinth Macaws in the Brazilan Amazon, by Tarcisio Schnaider

Yellow-spotted River Turtle, by George Jett

The Spix's Macaw, by Danny Ye

Amazon River Dolphin, by Coulanges

Deforestation in the Amazon Basin of Brazil for cattle ranching, by Brasil2
Did you know? Nearly
Acres of rainforest are lost to deforestation every day

Macaws fly over the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, by Ricardo Stuckert
Healthy Rainforests. Healthy Planet.
Healthy rainforests are critical to a healthy planet. Creating protected areas is the most effective way to protect endangered animals, safeguard biodiversity, stop deforestation, and maintain the health of all species on our planet.

Two Jaguars, by Uwe Bergwitz
Success Stories
Save 450,000 Acres of High-carbon Amazon Rainforest from Deforestation in Peru
Save Grauer’s Gorilla and lock up 28.6 million tons of carbon
Stopping Deforestation at the Edge of the Bolivian Amazon
“Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and climate change requires expanded protected and conserved areas, especially in tropical forests—this has been Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years,” said James C. Deutsch, Ph.D., CEO of Rainforest Trust. “Developing nations and Indigenous Peoples need financing to achieve this, which is why we are pledging to more than double our level of funding between now and 2030 and urging other private and public funders to do the same.”
Dr. James DeutschCEO, Rainforest Trust
“Protecting land is the critical first step in halting extinctions and stabilizing our climate. It can only happen through partnerships, and Rainforest Trust is committed to helping replicate this success worldwide.”
James DeutschPhD, CEO, Rainforest Trust
Rainforest Trust has my highest respect... for its reserve-creating projects which have the exceptional merit of being based upon biological research of high quality, exact mapping, and clear statements of what support will accomplish.
The late E.O. WilsonTwo-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and former Rainforest Trust Board Member

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, by Brasil2

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100% of your money goes to save habitat and protect threatened species.
Our Board members and other supporters cover our operating costs, so you can give knowing your whole gift will protect rainforests.