Julia Hailes MBE

Julia’s environmental career was kicked off by her horror at witnessing chainsaws ripping through the Brazilian rainforests in the early 1980s.
In 1987 she co-founded the UK’s first environmental consultancy and think tank – SustainAbility – with John Elkington. Eight of the nine books she’s written were co-authored with John, including the million selling Green Consumer Guide, published in 1988.
Julia describes herself as a sustainability pioneer, campaigner, consultant, writer and speaker, as well as being pro-Wilding, a climate activist, e-bike enthusiast, a promoter of renewable energy and an expert in waste-related issues. She is a director of Rubbish Ideas, which provides consultancy and design services supporting the circular economy.
Currently, Julia is focused on promoting rewilding – in 2022 hosting the UK’s first annual Wilding Weekend at her home in Dorset. She regularly speaks on this issue.
In 1992 Julia was elected to the UN Global 500 Roll of Honour for her outstanding environmental achievement and in 1999 received an MBE for her environmental work.